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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 27, Issue 1, pp. 1-367

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Cache Issues of Algebraic Multigrid Methods for Linear Systems with Multiple Right-Hand Sides

Gundolf Haase and Stefan Reitzinger

pp. 1-18

Augmented Implicitly Restarted Lanczos Bidiagonalization Methods

James Baglama and Lothar Reichel

pp. 19-42

A Parallel Eigensolver for Dense Symmetric Matrices Based on Multiple Relatively Robust Representations

Paolo Bientinesi, Inderjit S. Dhillon, and Robert A. van de Geijn

pp. 43-66

Multigrid Methods for Implicit Runge--Kutta and Boundary Value Method Discretizations of Parabolic PDEs

Jan Van Lent and Stefan Vandewalle

pp. 67-92

Efficiently Computing Many Roots of a Function

D. J. Kavvadias, F. S. Makri, and M. N. Vrahatis

pp. 93-107

On Quantitative Analysis Methods for Multigrid Solutions

Boris Diskin, James L. Thomas, and Raymond E. Mineck

pp. 108-129

Two Numerical Methods for Recovering Small Inclusions from the Scattering Amplitude at a Fixed Frequency

Habib Ammari, Ekaterina Iakovleva, and Dominique Lesselier

pp. 130-158

Why Are High-Dimensional Finance Problems Often of Low Effective Dimension?

Xiaoqun Wang and Ian H. Sloan

pp. 159-183

Computation of Mean Drag for Bluff Body Problems Using Adaptive DNS/LES

Johan Hoffman

pp. 184-207

The Explicit Simplified Interface Method for Compressible Multicomponent Flows

Bruno Lombard and Rosa Donat

pp. 208-230

Numerical Continuation of Bifurcations of Limit Cycles in MATLAB

Willy Govaerts, Yuri A. Kuznetsov, and Annick Dhooge

pp. 231-252

Multiple Explicitly Restarted Arnoldi Method for Solving Large Eigenproblems

Nahid Emad, Serge Petiton, and Guy Edjlali

pp. 253-277

Computation of the Exponential of Large Sparse Skew-Symmetric Matrices

N. Del Buono, L. Lopez, and R. Peluso

pp. 278-293

Conservative Logarithmic Reconstructions and Finite Volume Methods

Robert Artebrant and H. Joachim Schroll

pp. 294-314

A Semi-Lagrangian Approach for American Asian Options under Jump Diffusion

Y. d'Halluin, P. A. Forsyth, and G. Labahn

pp. 315-345

Higher-Order, Cartesian Grid Based Finite Difference Schemes for Elliptic Equations on Irregular Domains

Kazufumi Ito, Zhilin Li, and Yaw Kyei

pp. 346-367